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Location Intelligence made simple

We drive business transformation by delivering real-time location intelligence solutions

City as a platform

City as a Platform is an integrated and collaborative platform to feel, communicate and manage cities in their multiple dynamics and perspectives.


Create your IoT application
without a single line of code

No-code platform to process real-time geospatial data, define your own business rules and generate real-time insights


Google Partner

Focus BC is a partner for Google Cloud and Google Maps. Explore where real-world insights and immersive location experiences can take your business in a secure cloud-native way.

11th Anniversary of Focus BC

February 16, 2022

Focus BC turned 11 years old in 2023. We had cake and champagne at the office and then we left for dinner at Maat Café & Kitchen.



Understand our culture, find out what we have going on, and learn from some of our case studies.

Who We Are

Who we are
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